Support bilingual musical theatre in Paris

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Support bilingual musical theatre in Paris!

AMT Live! has partnered with Global Giving Charities to help raise funds to support our non-profit organization’s ongoing bilingual theatre performances, training, and community outreach programs in Paris. France.

You can now make *tax-deductible donations from both the USA and France to promote the organization. Your support can make the difference – no donation is too small.

More information is available here, sign up to our newsletter to get notified about our events and updates about fundraising. Get in touch if you’d like to know how you can help or download our brochure.

GlobalGiving homepage

Go to AMT Live! Paris’ GlobalGiving campaign page

*For tax-deductible donations in the USA, please donate directly through the link above (GlobalGiving).

For tax-deductible donations in France, please make your donation via LePotCommun or PayPal France.


AMT Live! has been promoting cross-cultural, bilingual collaboration in Paris around musical theatre for the past five years as a nomadic organization. We are in need of funding support in order to maintain and expand our professional season, our educational and training programming, and our community outreach efforts.

Over the past five years, with only funds raised by our volunteer efforts and over 5000 donated hours per year, we have:

● Engaged 120 company artists

● Hosted over a dozen directors, teachers and performers from Broadway, West-End, and beyond to exchange with our local directors and artists, and to teach and direct Paris-based artists.

● Worked with 500 student artists

● Produced five American musicals – all French premieres – with a company of artists from over a dozen countries (and 6 continents).

● Launched Paris’ first site-specific musical and created an original, bilingual French/English musical.

● Presented a dozen concerts and showcases

● Hosted more than than 25 open mic soirées dedicated to showcasing local talent.

As a professional troupe, we have been recognized as the Best Theatre Company in Paris (2016) by Expatriates Magazine. Beyond that, we take pride in creating opportunities to use our art to bridge cultural divide.

With support from our donors, we will be able to maintain our existing season offerings. We also aim to secure our own space in Paris that will serve as a meeting point for international exchanges through arts, and a welcoming environment to host both artists and the public.


Soutenez la comédie musicale bilingue à Paris !

AMT Live, en partenariat avec Global Giving Charities, démarre une campagne de dons destinée à soutenir les projets de notre association : une pôle formation (Studio AMT), une programmation de spectacles et concerts professionnels, et des programmes pour le rayonnement des artistes internationaux.

Vous pouvez faire un don ouvrant à réductions d’impôt que vous soyez aux USA ou en France pour participer au lancement de cet établissement. Votre soutien fera toute la différence-  aucun don n’est trop petit… Alors aidez-nous pour que notre vision devienne enfin réalité!

Cliquez ici pour accéder à la campagne et faire un don – n’hésitez pas à nous contacter ou télécharger notre brochure pour plus d’informations!

GlobalGiving homepage

Accéder à la campagne AMT Live! Paris’ sur le site GlobalGiving


Other ways to Donate / D’autres façons de nous soutenir

You can also make a donation using Paypal or
Want to support AMT by donating time or goods & services? Find out how you can help here.

Vous pouvez également faire un don en utilisant Paypal ou
Vous souhaitez soutenir AMT en offrant votre temps, ou des biens et services ? Découvrez comment vous pouvez nous aider ici.


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